North American Science Fiction Convention
We are the 8th North American SF Con since 1975
Seattle Airport Hilton and Conference Center





Cascadian Sites  and Stories

Vancouver 2108
(excerpts from Dance of Knives - Donna McMahon)

A wildlife biologist looks at the continent's most misunderstood large mammal


Join the Sasquatch Militia - Uncle Sas wants YOU!

and when you are not busy with official Militia duty-Cascadia Con wants you to volunteer.  It's easy just e-mail Volunteers


Save The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus

I Support The
Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus



Children at Cascadia Con

Membership Rates and Other Information

Children in Tow - Age 0 - 4 on September 1, 2005  You still need to register the little one to make sure that if they are lost we can match up a parent to the child.  These children must be with a parent or guardian at all times except when in Child Care.

Children 5 - 12 on September 1, 2005  Must be registered with the convention and the rate is 1/2 of the current membership rate. There will be children's programming but adult supervision is required unless otherwise noted in the program description.  Child Care is available at an additional charge.

Children 13 or older on September 1, 2005 are full price.  Youth programming and  programming designed to interest people of all ages will be available. 

Children under 13 registered at less than full rate will not receive mailed progress reports.  The further more will not be entitled to vote in the election for the 2007 NASFiC should it become necessary to hold this election.


Made In Cascadia

Time left until Cascadia Con:

The North American Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention

Send mail to webmaster@cascadiacon.org with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2003 Bobbie DuFault or the respective writers where noted. Seattle NASFiC in 2005.
Last modified: 06/20/04   
World Science Fiction Society", "WSFS", "World Science Fiction Convention", "Worldcon", "NASFiC" and "Hugo Award"
are service marks of the World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary society.
You can contact the WSFS Mark Protection Committee at <mpc@wsfs.org>.